It’s that time of year again! We are swapping our fans for space heaters in the hopes of staying warm during the chilly fall and winter seasons. As furnace repair providers in Chicago, our team understands that this is also the time of year that customers are hoping to save money on their energy costs. Keeping your home and place of business a comfortable temperature during the winter can really add up! There are small tweaks and measures you can take to reduce the amount of money that you spend on energy. Keep these tips in mind this fall and winter!
Utilize the Sun
The sun is your free source of heat and energy! On chilly days, make sure to open your curtains to allow free heat to enter your home. As the sun goes down, make sure to close your curtains to help trap the heat inside.
Adjust Your Thermostat at Night
Did you know that you can save roughly 10 percent annually on your heating bill by turning your thermostat down while you sleep? For best results, turn your thermostat down 10-15 degrees for the eight hours while you sleep. If this is too cold for you, try purchasing flannel sheets and other warm blankets to make sure you are warm enough while you sleep.
Heat the Rooms You Use
Heating your whole house can be costly, especially if you rarely go into certain rooms. Instead, only pay to heat the rooms that you use on a regular basis. You can seal off the vents in the rooms that you do not use to save money on your bill. If need be, invest in space heaters for those rarely used rooms to help keep you warm.
Make Sure Your Furnace is Working Properly
Getting a furnace repair in Chicago might not be on the top of your to-do list, but it can save you a lot of money in the long run. If your furnace isn’t working properly, it might be working harder in order to be efficient. Regular furnace maintenance can also help potential problems before they develop. Our team at Deljo Heating and Cooling has been serving the Chicagoland area since 1922, so we have dealt with every possible furnace-related scenario. Please call us today if you are in need of a furnace repair in Chicago!