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What to Check Before You Call Heating Company

Published by Luke Weiden

As your heating company serving Irving Park, we want to make sure your HVAC equipment is working properly. Often our customers will ask: “What should we do prior to calling for service?” If you need a service, don’t hesitate to contact us to make an appointment for one of our professional technicians to stop by your residence.

Before You Call Us

There are some steps you should take before you call us to come perform HVAC maintenance. Some, but not all, examples of what to do include:

  • Checking your air conditioner or furnace to make sure it has power
  • Checking that the breakers are turned on
  • Making sure the thermostat is set correctly
  • Making sure your filter is not plugged

If you are having an issue with your equipment but you followed the above steps and none of these are causing a problem, turn your unit and thermostat off. Make note of any strange noises or smells and be sure to give this information to the dispatchers when you call Deljo Heating & Cooling.

Common HVAC Issues

Some HVAC issues are more common than you think, so don’t worry if something isn’t working the way it should. Call us if you have an issue that a professional needs to inspect. Some common issues include:

  • Restricted/Poor Quality Airflow: If you are experiencing restricted airflow, it could be because of clogged air filters. The air filters are designed to trap and collect dust particles and pollutants from your HVAC unit, so if they aren’t working properly, it can limit the amount of air that passes through. You should switch out your filters monthly to avoid the potential of a clog.
  • Water Damage & Leaking Ducts: A drain pan is meant to deal with a water surplus, but sometimes it can become overwhelmed if humidity levels rapidly increase. This issue can be caused by melting ice from frozen component parts. If your HVAC system is shut down, the ice melts and begins to flow out of the unit.
  • Failing To Cool: When your AC is on high during the summer months, you may notice that it is not cooling the air. This may be because of low refrigerant—the substance that draws the heat from the air as it passes through an HVAC unit. Refrigerant is needed in order to have the air conditioner do its job correctly and efficiently.
  • Heat Pump Constantly Running: If you are having mild temperatures, but your heat pump is running continuously, something is wrong. Fix the heat pump by removing external influences such as ice or insulating the outdoor unit. If both of these are already completed, you may need to call a professional to solve the problem.

Deljo, your heating company serving Irving Park, is ready to help service your HVAC unit! If you need help with a recurring problem, contact us today.