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Common Reasons Your HVAC Is Leaking Water

Published by Luke Weiden

Since your heating and cooling system is one of the hardest working appliances in your home, it isn’t uncommon to notice an occasional leak from time to time. Here are a few of the most common causes of HVAC leaks, some solutions on how to fix them, and some preventative measures you can take to avoid the mess in the future.

Why Is My Air Conditioner Leaking?

There are a few different reasons your air conditioning unit is leaking water.

  • Clogged Condensate Drain

    If the condensate line gets clogged, the dirt and dust particles can mix with the moisture of the AC unit creating a sticky, paste-like goo that can cause a nasty backup and overflow out of your air conditioner.

  • Damaged Or Rusted Drain Pan

    If your drain pan is simply cracked, you can easily repair it by applying a sealant. However, a rusted drain pan often needs to be replaced since the rust has eaten through the metal creating a lot of holes for water to leak through.

  • Your Air Filter Needs Replaced

    Dirty air filters can cause a ton of problems for your air conditioning system including preventing it from supplying power to the evaporator coils of your unit, causing the coils to freeze over. This damage is not always repairable and you may need to replace your entire AC system.

  • Your AC Needs More Refrigerant

    If you don’t have enough refrigerant in your air conditioner, it may lower the pressure in your unit and cause leaks. Low refrigerant can also cause your coils to freeze up, potentially causing irreparable damage. If your system has a refrigerant leak or if you’re still not sure why your air conditioner is leaking water then you need to call a professional for help.

My Boiler Is Leaking Water. What Do I Do?

While there are a few ways you might be able to fix a boiler leak yourself, it’s best left for the professionals to make sure further damage isn’t caused to your system.

  • Faulty Pressure Valves

    While this issue can sometimes be fixed by homeowners, it is much safer to call a professional, especially since you will void your warranty if you try to do it yourself.

  • Worn Or Decayed Pump Seals

    It is best to leave this type of technical task to a NATE-certified technician.

  • Rusted Or Corroded Pipes Or Unit

    Since this type of repair requires soldering, welding, and the possibility of a new unit if the rust is widespread, you will need to contact a heating expert.

  • The Boiler Temperature Is Too High

    Although unlikely, 10 -15 people in the United States die from exploding boilers every year so it’s best that an overheating boiler is diagnosed by an HVAC professional.

Water leaks from a faucet attached to a boiler.

How To Stop A Furnace Leak

If you notice leaking water around your furnace, you’ll want to address this issue immediately, before it can cause more issues such as mold growth and property damage to your home.

  • Turn your system off. There should be a shut-off switch next to the furnace coil that looks like a light switch. If you can’t find this switch, shut it off at the breaker.
  • Clean up the water as quickly as possible. The longer the water sits, the more issues it can cause.
  • Check your filter and make sure the airflow hasn’t been impacted.
  • Use a Shop-Vac or other water-safe vacuum to remove any debris around the PVC drain line.
  • Call your trusted HVAC professionals for a thorough furnace repair, and to make sure it is safe to continue using.

Preventing Your HVAC From Leaking In Your Home

A few simple maintenance tips can prevent a messy HVAC leak from happening in your home.

  • Pour 1 – 2 cups of vinegar or bleach into your AC condensation line every few months to keep it clean.
  • Change your air filters regularly.
  • Stay up to date on yearly HVAC maintenance.
  • Install HVAC equipment near a floor drain in case of a leak.
  • Invest in a sump pump or Wet Dry vacuum that can help you clean up water from a leak or flood. The float switch in a sump pump will prevent significant flooding and damage to any assets in the basement of your home.

Is Your HVAC Leaking Water? Call Deljo Today

When you are faced with a leaking HVAC system, save yourself time and trouble by calling Deljo Heating & Cooling. All of our highly skilled technicians are NATE-certified and experienced in every HVAC system from boilers to ductless mini splits so you can rest assured that our experts can tackle any heating and cooling issue you might have. If you notice water leaking from your boiler or high efficiency furnace, give us a call to schedule an appointment with one of our dedicated team members today.