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Signs Your HVAC Unit Needs an Upgrade

Published by Luke Weiden

Deljo Heating & Cooling has served Chicagoland homes and businesses since 1922, and we take pride in providing the best air conditioner service in Chicago, IL. Based on our many years of experience, we know that your HVAC system is one of the largest investments you make in your home, but no matter how well you maintain your system, you’re going to have to replace it at some point.

The question is, when? To answer that question, here are four signs indicating it may be time to replace your aging HVAC with a new, upgraded system.

1. It’s more than 10 years old

Modern HVAC systems are durable, but major components begin to wear out after about 10 years, depending on how well they’ve been maintained and how they’ve been used.

Also, AC units more than 10 years old are likely to use a refrigerant known as R-22. This coolant is not only outdated but also harmful to the environment. Upgrading to a new system will shrink your carbon footprint while also reducing your energy bills.

2. Increasing energy bills

One of the first signs of HVAC trouble is rising energy bills. When your family routine hasn’t changed and energy bills increase, the old HVAC could be the culprit. Older units have to work harder to keep your home comfortable even if they’ve been well maintained.

Before dumping the old system, however, let one of our Deljo technicians perform an inspection as the problem may be repairable.

3. Loud noises

At Deljo, we repair a lot of issues causing noise in your HVAC system, which typically occurs when a part loosens or needs replacing. But a substantial increase in loud noises generally indicates that your HVAC needs more than repairs. If it continually makes loud noises despite your best maintenance efforts, it probably needs replacement.

4. Uncomfortable temperature

Temperature inconsistencies typically mean your HVAC is not powerful enough to keep air circulating at a comfortable level throughout your home. Not all HVAC systems are created equal, and with modern homes varying in size, layout and location, every home has unique AC and heating needs.

At Deljo, we want you to be comfortable in your home year-round. So for the very best air conditioner service in Chicago, call us today at 773-829-4295 to learn more about your HVAC replacement options.