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What Are the Benefits of a Whole-House Humidifier?

Published by Luke Weiden

Having a humidifier directly attached to your HVAC system provides many benefits at the touch of a button. Beyond the convenience and ease of control, a whole house humidifier can improve the health of you and your family, help grow your bank account, and protect the contents of your home.

Chart indicates optimal humidity levels with red and blue areas. Too dry or too moist air can promote bacteria, virus, dust mites, and fungus.

5 Benefits of Using an HVAC Humidifier

Adding moisture is a great way to improve your home’s indoor air comfort. These are just a few ways investing in a whole-house humidifier can benefit you, your family, and your entire home.

Better Sleep

Having the right level of humidity in the home improves your quality of sleep. Dry air can irritate lungs, cause sore throat and dry mouth, and cause dry, itchy skin. These things can interrupt sleep or make it difficult to fall asleep in the first place.

Improves Health

Dry air can irritate allergies and asthma, causing more attacks in the home. By keeping the moisture level comfortable throughout, your family can stay healthy longer and recover from illness faster.

Cute white girl with long red hair cuddles her teddy bear while asleep in her comfortable bed. All white and neutral colors.

Protects Wood

Wood furniture and flooring can crack or become brittle without proper moisture. Using a whole-home humidifier helps provide a safe, even level of protection to the wood everywhere in your home.

Reduces Shock

When the air in your home is extremely dry, people and their pets are more likely to receive shocks when touching metal surfaces. Hair and laundry also become more susceptible to static electricity.

Save Money

Investing in an HVAC humidifier can help reduce your monthly heating bills. Because your home will have the appropriate humidity levels throughout, you can set your thermostat lower and still be cozy.

Even if you aren’t ready for a whole-house humidifier installation, room humidifiers can still help keep your family healthy, protect the wood furnishing in your home, and help reduce static shock. To learn more about indoor humidity or to schedule heating repair, contact Deljo Heating & Cooling.