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9 Winter Heating Tips: Resolve to Stay Warm & Save Money

Published by Luke Weiden

These energy saving tips for winter will help you start the new year right! Create new habits to stay warm while saving money. It takes 3 weeks to create a new habit, so with some hard work and determination, you can see a difference on your next electric bill!

Call a Professional

  • Have your heating system inspected and tuned up by a professional HVAC technician. Heat loss from inefficient systems adds up quickly, costing you money.
  • Keep an eye on that pilot light. If it’s blue, all is well. If it’s orange, yellow, or another color, you need to have it checked.

Go Shopping to Save Money

  • Invest in a smart thermostat. This time of year, many energy providers offer discounts for upgrading.
  • When it comes time to upgrade or replace heaters, invest in an Energy Star® certified unit with at least 95% efficiency. 


  • Clean or replace the filter more often during cold weather. Using heaters more means filters accumulate dirt and grime more quickly. Think of your furnace filter like a set of lungs: The cleaner they are, the better they work!
  • Rearrange plants, furniture, rugs, and curtains away from vents and heat registers. This helps create an open air flow and reduces the risk of fire.
  • If you have radiators in your home, take note of where they are located. If they are near an outer wall, line the wall with a sheet of aluminum foil to reflect the heat back into the room.
  • Set your ceiling fans on low to push warmer air back down from the ceiling. This helps disperse the heat throughout the room without creating a chill.
  • At night, drop the thermostat a little and instead opt for an extra blanket or two. A nice heavy quilt will make it warm and cozy – you’ll sleep like a baby!

If you do need an HVAC professional to inspect or tune up your heater, Deljo Heating & Cooling is only a phone call away. You can count on us for all your heating needs, no matter how cold these winter months get!