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Signs You Need to Upgrade Your Home’s Heating Unit

Published by Luke Weiden

Winters in Chicago are harsh, and it is important to have a quality heating unit to survive the cold. If the cold season is approaching fast, make sure to check for these following signs to see if you need a boiler repair or replacement before the snow hits the ground:

Your Heating System is Old

After approximately 10 to 15 years of use, your heating system should be replaced. At 15 years, your best choice is to replace your heating system before the boiler or furnace breaks down, leaving you and your family with no heat when you need it most.

Big Bills

Sudden high heating costs on your energy bill is a clear indicator that there is an issue with your system. When the prices skyrocket, it may only be a small boiler repair in your Chicago home, but this could mean more than just a quick tune-up. Save yourself from high costs and potential heating system failure by calling one of our technicians at Deljo when you see increased billing.

Major Repairs Regularly

If your Deljo technician is always on your most recent call list, an upgrade might be essential to saving you money. Although replacements are more expensive than boiler repairs off the bat, the replacement will save you money long term because there will be fewer repairs and a lower energy bill.

Visual and Auditory Issues

If you notice yourself hearing your heating system more loudly and more frequently, this is a time to take a look at the unit. Cracks or corrosion anywhere on system indicates it is time for a technician to upgrade your heating unit.

If these signs are relevant to your heating unit in your Chicago home, contact Deljo Heating & Cooling to learn about more options for upgrading.